I have been thinking about doing something like this from quite some time, never got to it.
I'll be studying your result now :-)
a couple of years ago, i participated in a thread on this site comparing the old nwt (1984) to the new nwt (2013).
i was able to produce a nwt mash up pdf showing the side-by-side differences between the two versions of the nwt.
herethis site claims it will hold the file for download for a long time.
I have been thinking about doing something like this from quite some time, never got to it.
I'll be studying your result now :-)
i was 19 and being considered for ms. i went out of town to see my jw girlfriend during co visit and he was so butthurt he decided i wasn't ready!
i thought jehovah decided?
go figure.
And yet here we all are. All left God's Holy Spirit directed Watchtower Organization.
All us filthy apostates will be known sooner or later.
You see, in then end Jehovah took care of those problems. He set things right if we just wait for Him. He won't allow such injustice forever.
And so the dubs think the congregation is really governed by the 2 Big J's.
They'll never know about many 'sins' and dissenters that manage to stay hidden. And the ones that are found out (even after 50 years) are evidence that J-man is keeping his congo clean. Ridiculous.
l know animals do it but their animals.they dont live by a moral code.the thought of 2 men going for it is not normal.what are your thoughts?.
I upvoted your clear and straight-to-the-point comment 108 times.
Yeah I know the website doesn't accept it but it was the right thing to do. Your words deserved it :-D
l know animals do it but their animals.they dont live by a moral code.the thought of 2 men going for it is not normal.what are your thoughts?.
Do you ever think about when your parents had sex and moaned their way to a climax to make you?
Feel excited, or slightly repulsed?
Does your repulsion indicate that straight people shouldn't have sex?
l know animals do it but their animals.
News flash: humans are just another species of animals. We're nothing special in that regards. It's just that our cognitive abilities are a bit better than other animals.
They dont live by a moral code.
Oh boy this is way too black-an-white! The topic is much more complicated than what you claim.
Animals do have 'moral codes' of some sort. Here's some material to get you started on educating yourself:
As for the moral code of humans: apparently that one isn't set in stone.
Slavery used to be fine according to our moral code...not anymore.
Forced marriage used to be fine...not anymore (in most cultures).
Polygamy used to be fine...not anymore (in most cultures).
Treating women as property and brainless used to be fine...not anymore (in most cultures).
So maybe times are changing with regards to some other 'rules' too, such as homosexuality?
The thought of 2 men going for it is not normal.
I never think about '2 men going for it'. Just like I never think about my senior neighbors going for it. Neither are my business not my cup of tea.
But apparently you do think about what other people do in their bedrooms (or on their kitchen table)?
it's doing the rounds but i've not seen it before.. explaining your beliefs about homosexuality.
there are three pages.
here are my thoughts on each question on the pages:.
Come and drink the water of life (tm) for 'free'*
*) Temporary offer only. Normal fees from your local kingdom hall may be applicable. You can obtain and drink the water (tm) only when agreeing to our terms and conditions. You will be conditioned.
it's doing the rounds but i've not seen it before.. explaining your beliefs about homosexuality.
there are three pages.
here are my thoughts on each question on the pages:.
Do you also archive to ?
It retains the original formatting (more or less) and is searchable...
i asked an old jw friend of mine why so many baptized individuals leave the jw religion.
"did it ever occur to you, old friend, that maybe they know something that you don't know and have valid reasons for leaving?
", i asked.. his response set me back for an answer.
I read something that somewhat took away my main reason to believe in a Creator.
So I started a thorough research project to find more and better arguments to believe in Jehovah the Creator. I found none.
What I did find what the multitude of dishonest quotes in Watchtower publications regarding evolution.
That dishonesty triggered me to dig deeper, trying to find evidence of the Bible being inspired, and Jehovah's Witnesses are the one true religion.
I found nothing but fallacies, deception, dishonesty, cover-ups, hidden scandals and confirmation bias.
I left JW because I value truth and honesty more than my social life.
I left JW because I have been taught to take a stand for truth and righteousness, so I did.
Anyone who knows me can tell you I'm not gay, have not cheated on my wife, and have no problem with any individual JW.
As for your friend: it's way easier on his mind to blame others for leaving, than to acknowledge he may be wrong.
is there gods true worshipers on earth today as jesus said there would be?
if they are not jws then who are they?.
who else comes close to being gods true followers today?.
Christadelphians even refused to take up arms when Jehovah's Witnesses still thought combatant service was OK as long as you didn't shoot to kill...
in the netherlands, an action going on to get two brothers from sierra leone a residence permit.. the men fled the horrible civil war in their country when 14 and 11 years old.
without parents.. they have now lived in the netherlands more than half of their lives.
they are well educated, have nothing in sierra leone and everything in the netherlands.
Just to clarify: Watchtower hasn't done anything at all to help these guys. And they won't do anything either.
It's only other churches and politicians that help the guys...
is there gods true worshipers on earth today as jesus said there would be?
if they are not jws then who are they?.
who else comes close to being gods true followers today?.
@Former brother,
Just because you fail to do proper research doesn't mean you're right.